A Passion for Limud HaTorah

The highly talented Rebbeim at the Mechina of South Florida are Talmidei Chachomim who inspire their students to develop a passion for learning. The Bochurim acquire a proficiency of skills and a comprehensive understanding and command of Yedios HaTorah. The Rebbeim motivate the Talmidim by example and by the strong personal bonds that they develop with them.

Part of a Complete Unit

The Mechina of South Florida operates in conjunction with the Yeshiva and Kollel Beis Moshe Chaim. This connection allows the Bochurim to develop relationships with Beis Medrash Bochurim and Kollel Yungerleit in the atmosphere of a genuine Makom Torah.

A Multi-Faceted Experience

The Mechina of South Florida is a fully immersive experience. The Bochurim are taught how to learn, and their growth is encouraged in all areas of life.

Several optional programs take place on a consistent basis throughout the school year: The Mechina Masmidim program is well attended and enables Bochurim to finish an additional Masechta in their free time. Younger Bochurim are paired with older Chavrusas to help them accomplish their goals.

The Mechina Mishmar program brings guest speakers and special presentations to the Mechina each and every Thursday night. The program focuses on the speaker’s first-hand life experiences and their interplay with Yiddeshkeit and Torah values. Speakers have addressed the boys on a broad range of topics and current issues. Friday Night Oneg, Shabbos meals hosted by the Rebbeim, and Rosh Chodesh Mesibos with spirited singing help to foster a unique atmosphere of Ruach and Achdus.

The Mechina Winter Shabbos Retreat is the annual school Shabbaton. Learning, Shteiging amazing Shabbos Seudos with lively Zemiros, and great sports activities are all par for the course.

The general studies program at Mechina of South Florida provides students with a comprehensive, first rate education. The fully accredited program is taught by certified and experienced teachers who provide the students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in any area, including further education.

The campus at Mechina of South Florida offers a comfortable and spacious dormitory. Our dormitory is fully supervised and avails Bochurim of their every need. Dorms include separate bath/showers in every room, basketball courts, an artificial turf football field and recreational rooms.

At Mechina of South Florida we pride ourselves in promoting a sense of shared communal responsibility and Ahavas Yisrael. Many Bochurim serve as leaders for the local Pirchei Agudas Yisrael, some have Chavrusas with local community members, and others perform volunteer work for community Chesed initiatives.


Contact Mechina of South Florida

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